Mountain Bike Clinics & Private Lessons

Do you want to gain confidence riding across rock piles or descending steep terrain? Endurance Adventures intends to empower women of all ages to become confident mountain bike riders by teaching them fundamental mountain bike skills in a safe and encouraging atmosphere!

Private and group lessons are available for beginner to advanced mountain bikers. Sign up for individual classes or organize a group of friends for a large group session. Join one of the upcoming four-week women’s skill clinics to gain more confidence, meet new women riders, and stay safe on the single-track trails!

Coach Kim Rudd is a Level 2 BICP (Bike Instructor Certification Program) Certified Coach Instructor with over thirty years of mountain bike race experience and twenty years of coaching. She enjoys empowering and encouraging women of all ages to become confident in their riding abilities.

Women’s Spring Beginner Mountain Bike Skills Series

Fundamental Mountain Bike Skills four-week series will include:
➔ Introduction to bike fit and safety check.
➔ Three MTB essentials
➔ Fundamental bike body positions and movements include the following:

Neutral/Ready positions, Bike/Body separation, pedal position, eye movement, braking, steering, speed, gearing/cadence, timing/coordination, and pressure control. The class will introduce the skills of climbing, descending, ratcheting, riding straight lines, small circles/switchbacks, and rock dodging.

  • Day: Tuesday evenings
  • Time: 6 -7 PM
  • Where: Wirth Beach
  • 2025 Spring Dates: April 1, 8,15, and 22
  • Cost: $100 for all four sessions or $30/session
  • Space is limited to 12 women

Women’s Summer Intermediate Mountain Bike Skill Series

Intermediate MTB 200 Progression Skills Class
➔ Review bike fit, safety check, and three MTB essentials.
➔ Review and refine the fundamentals of mountain biking skills
➔ Introduce intermediate progression MTB skills, including Track stand, riding raised skinnies, front and back wheel lift, level lift, and high-speed-cornering techniques.

  • Day: Tuesday evenings
  • Time: 6 -7 PM
  • Where: Wirth Beach
  • 2025 Summer Dates: May 6,13,20, and 27
  • Cost: $100 for all four sessions or $30/session

Private/Group MTB Lessons

Ability Level Classes Instruction:

  • 1-Hour Beginner Fundamental MTB Skills Session
  • 1-Hour Intermediate Progression MTB Skills Session
  • 1 Hour Advanced level MTB Skills Session
  • Click on the following link for each class description: MTB Class Descriptions


  • $80 For a 1-hour private session.
  • $40/Person for a 1-hour group session of 2 or more individuals.

Coach Kim Rudd is a Level 2 BICP (Bike Instructor Certification Program) Certified Coach Instructor with over thirty years of mountain bike race experience and twenty years of coaching.