Fall Dryland Training Tips!

Over the last thirty-plus years of ski marathon training, I have discovered several key pre-season workout sessions. My training at twenty years of age looked much different than in my fifties. As we age and are susceptible to more injuries, the type of modalities we choose for workouts may change, but the purpose of...

Tour Du Mont Blanc Adventure!

Eight women’s journey through France, Italy and Switzerland! Around a year ago I received an invite from my friend Mindy Benton to join her on the Tour Du Mont Blanc hut-to-hut backpacking trip. Mindy desired to celebrate her sixtieth birthday by hiking the world’s most iconic trek traversing three countries. Eight women booked the...

The Power of the Mind!

Gaining Confidence as a Female Competitor Last winter I had the privilege of speaking and coaching at both the “We Rise” Rossignol Women’s Ski Clinic along with the Birkie Ski de She Ski Camp. It was very encouraging to see so many women desiring to learn how to improve their cross-country ski technique. Over...

 Common Injuries Among Nordic Skiers

A few years ago I had the pleasure of co-coaching with Cara Battles for one of the Loppet Nordic Racing ski classes at Hyland Park. During the last few years, Cara has diagnosed and treated two different injuries on both my shoulder and hamstring. She has helped me gain strength after my shoulder neuropathy...

The Secret to Aging in Style!

The Biography of the Local Hayward Legend Nancy Bauer. Many years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Nancy Bauer while picking blueberries with my two girls at the Bauer Berry Farm in Champlin, MN. Prior to this, I had met her son and Olympian, John Bauer, during the time we were both on...

Hayward to Stillwater in a Canoe!

Over the last two decades, I have enjoyed paddling with my long-time friend Josie Nelson. Her husband Dave and children Karl and Kajsa lived on Medicine Lake just three miles from our home in Plymouth, MN. Dave and Josie are two inspiring individuals who built (with their own hands) both their home on Medicine...

Oregon Road Trip Tales

Of all the states I have traveled to around the U.S., Oregon is one of my favorites. Recently our family traveled to Tillamook, Oregon for my daughter’s wedding. The event occurred Memorial weekend on her fiancés family land just thirty minutes inland of Tillamook. Before and after the wedding we stayed at an Airbnb...

Ski Coaching Above the Arctic Circle

By Hannah Rudd After finishing up my race season, I had the opportunity to venture north to the small village of Shungnak, Alaska. This tiny community is located in Northwestern AK, above the arctic circle and is home to around 250 people. I was joined on this trip by three other skiers: Reid Goble,...

Injury Recovery and Prevention

Learn four wisdom nuggets relating to injuries and prevention from coach Kim Rudd! Wisdom shared from over thirty years of ski and bike related injuries. Wisdom Nugget #1 Slow down and allow your body time to heal. You may laugh at the above statement if you know me personally since I rarely slow down....