Highlights from the 2025 Swedish Vasaloppet My grandfather, Karl Johnson, was thirteen when he came to America in 1913. His family of eight was from Emmaboden, Sweden. He passed away when my mother was only eighteen years old, so I know him only through photos and stories. It is doubtful his family had the...
Birkie Race Tips
By Kim Rudd I write this Birkie blog post from my cabin in Hayward just a few days before the race! The Birkie fever is setting in with hot excitement. This year will be my 27th American Birkie race. A huge highlight is having both of my daughters here this weekend from Montana to...
Minnesota Mountain Skiing!
Tour of the North Shore Women’s 2025 Cross-Country Ski Trip Highlights Desire a taste of mountain skiing without the altitude? Head to the North Shore of Lake Superior, where you will find multiple options for challenging cross-country ski terrain. In the Midwest, it isn’t easy to find long, gradual climbs that last 1-2 km,...
Nordic Ski Adventures in “Whoville”!
2024 Silver Star B.C. Canada Trip Highlights By Janet Hennies In North Central Minnesota, “I am dreaming of a white Christmas.” I hope that you have skiable snow where you are at. However, after the snowless 2023-2024 ski season, I was not going to take any chances. I registered for the December 3-9, 2024...
Hannah’s Kitchen
Nutritious Meals to Fuel the Body and Mind One of the joys of parenting is watching your adult children develop some of the same hobbies and passions that you enjoy as a parent. Over the last ten years, both my girls have become incredible chefs and have inspired me to try out new healthy...
Three Good Things
Changing Your Perspective to a Cup Half-full! By Janet Hennies and Kim Rudd November is when we give thanks for the blessings in our lives. Why do we practice this only in November? Shouldn’t we count our blessings every day? Last November I posted an article called Practicing Gratitude For Health Benefits. I strongly...
Work 2 Ride – Women’s Fall MTB Trip!
Women’s Dirt Shredder Hayward MTB Trip Highlights! The weekend adventures kicked off Friday afternoon with a safety bike check at Riverbrook Bike Shop followed by an afternoon of fundamental mountain bike skills instruction. The women put their skills to the test riding the Hatchery Creek South/North Loop taking in the changing colors and sounds...
The Benefits of Green Space Exercise
Finding Joy in the Outdoors October is mental health awareness month. I asked my friend Janet to write an article about the benefits of outdoor exercise. Janet is an avid mountain biking, skier, scuba diver, and dog trainer. Janet has a contagious laugh and smile that brings joy to all around her. I have...
Nutrition Tips To Fuel Your Engine!
Nutrition Tips & Healthy Fall Recipes Nutrition is a huge part of athletic performance. Similar to physical training, healthy meal preparation takes time and planning. If you are serious about your performance and overall health, you need to make nutrition a high priority. In this article, I will discuss the importance of post-workout food...
An Uberlegger’s Birkie Reflections
What is an Uberlegger you may ask? An Uberlegger is an individual who has completed 30 or more years of Birkie ski marathons. This past summer I connected with Uberlegger skier Bob Britz while helping with the 1st Annual Birchleggings Club Golf Classic Fundraiser Event. The following article includes highlights and fun facts from...